SPE Scholarship applications

We are currently not accepting SPE scholarship applications, please check back with us in August 2024. Thank you.


Mark your Calendars!

Fall 2024 meetings:

SCRATCH – October 17th, 2024 @ Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

PTIC – October 17th - 18th, 2024 @ Texas A&M University, College Station, TX


What We Do


We conduct research on high performance functional polymers for nanotechnology, biotechnology and micro-/nano-electronics packaging applications; surface damage phenomena of polymers.

Learn More


We are are focused on discovering, developing, and delivering high performance functional polymers. Our goal is to deliver new technology in polymers that will be adopted by the polymers industry globally, nationally, and throughout Texas.

Our Innovation


We strive to combine the resources of industry members with the knowledge base of academic facilities in an effort to develop fundamental knowledge of these unique materials, as well as to give design and production insight for product development
