Anastasia Muliana
Professor - Mechanical Engineering
G. Paul Pepper ’54 Professor
Contact Information
Phone: (979) 458-3579
E-mail: amuliana@tamu.edu
- Ph.D. 2004, Civil Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
- M.S. 1999, Civil Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
- B.S. 1997, Civil Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
Research Interests
Nonlinear and time dependent constitutive material models, thermal stress analyses, micromechanics of composite and functionally graded materials, multi-scale analyses of laminated and sandwich composites subject to coupled thermal, electrical, and mechanical stimuli, coupled mechanical and transport analyses in smart composites, modeling nanoindentation tests, delamination and crack growth in laminated composites, large-scale nonlinear structural analyses, numerical and finite element methods, and creep tests on polymer composites.
- 2010 – Present Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University
- 2004 – 2010 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University
- 1998 – 2004 Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
- 1997 – 1998 Research and Design Engineer, Civil Engineering Department, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
- 1995 – 1997 Undergraduate Research and Teaching Assistant, Civil Engineering Department, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
- Khan*, K and Muliana, A., "Fully Coupled Heat Conduction and Deformation Analyses of Viscoelastic Composites" Composite Structures in press 2012.
- Muliana, A and Rajagopal, KR, "On the Response of Viscoelastic Biodegradable Polymeric Solids," Mechanics Research Communications, in press 2011
- Muliana, A and Rajagopal, KR, "Modeling the Response of Nonlinear Viscoelastic Biodegradable Polymeric Stents," Int. J Solids and Structures, in press 2012
- Gudlur*, P, Forness*, A., Lentz*, J., Radovic, M., and Muliana, A. "Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Al/Al2O2 at Elevated Temperatures" Material Science and Engineering A, in press 2011
- Khan*, KA, Barello, R., Muliana, AH., and Levesque, M., "Coupled Heat Conduction and Thermal Stress Analyses in Particulate Composites," Mechanics of Materials, 43, pp. 608-625, 2011
- Muliana, A., "Time-temperature Dependent Behavior of Ferroelectric Materials undergoing Cyclic Electric Field" Int. J. Solids and Structures, 48 (19), pp. 2718-2731, 2011
- Muliana, A and Lin* CH, "A Multi-scale Formulation for Predicting Nonlinear Thermo-electro-mechanical Response in Heterogeneous Bodies," J. Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 22, pp. 723-738, 2011
- Kim* JS, Arronche L, Farrugia A, Muliana A, La Saponara, V, "Multi-scale Modeling of Time-dependent Response of Smart Sandwich Constructions" Composite Structures, 93, pp. 2196-2207, 2011
- Farrugia, A., Winkelman, C., La Saponara, V., Kim, J.S. and Muliana, A. "Creep Responses of Smart Sandwich Composites at Multiple Length Scales: Experiments and Modeling" ASME, J of Engineering Materials and Technology, JEMT, Vol. 133, pp. 1-6, 2011
- Muliana, A., "A Multi-scale Formulation for Smart Composites with Field Coupling Effects" part of Advances in Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Methods for Materials and Structures. The Jacob Aboudi Volume, Vol. 168, pp. 73-87, 2010.
- Li, K.A. and Muliana, A.H., "Time-dependent Behavior of Active Polymer Matrix Composites", part of Creep and Fatigue in Composites, in press 2010
- Muliana, AH and Rajagopal, KR, "Changes in the Response of Viscoelastic Solids to Changes in Their Internal Structures" Acta Mechanica, in press 2010
- Muliana, AH and Li, K.A., "Time-dependent Response of Active Composites with Thermal, Electrical, and Mechanical Coupling Effect" Int. J. Engineering Science, 48, pp. 1481-1497, 2010
- Muliana, A.H., "A Micromechanical Formulation for Piezoelectric Fiber Composites with Nonlinear and Viscoelastic Constituents" Acta Materialia, 58, pp. 3332-3344, 2010
- Muliana, A. and Kim, J.S., "A Two-scale Homogenization Framework for the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Laminated Composites" Acta Mechanica, 212(3-4), pp. 319-347, 2010
- 1Kim, J.S. and Muliana, A., "A Combined Viscoelastic-Viscoplastic Behavior of Particle Reinforced Composites" Int. J. Solids and Structures, 47, pp. 580-594, 2010
- Muddasani, M., Sawant, S., and Muliana, A., "Thermo-viscoelastic Responses of Multilayered Polymer Composites: Experimental and Numerical Studies" Composite Structures, 92(11), pp. 2641-2652, 2010
- Joshi, N. and Muliana, A., "Deformation in Viscoelastic Sandwich Composites Subject to Moisture Diffusion" Composite Structures, 92, pp. 254-264, 2010
- Khan, K. A. and Muliana, A., "Effective Thermal Properties of Viscoelastic Composites Having Field Dependent Constituent Properties" Acta Mechanica, 209, pp. 153-178, 2010
- Kim, J.S. and Muliana, A., "Time-dependent and Inelastic Responses of Fiber and Particle Hybrid Composites" Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal, 34, pp. 525-539, 2010