Recent Publications
Mechanical Behavior
- M.M. Hossain, C.F. Lee, D.M. Fiscus, and H.‐J. Sue, “Physical Assessment of Essential Work of Fracture Parameters Based on m‐LLDPE Blown Films”, Polymer, 96, 104‐111(2016).
- P. Liu, M. Mullins, T. Bremner, J.A. Browne and H.‐J. Sue, “Hygrothermal Behavior of Polybenzimidazole”, Polymer, 93, 88‐98(2016).
- P.D. Castrillo, D. Olmos, H.‐J. Sue, and J. González‐Benito, “Mechanical characterization and fractographic study of epoxy–kaolin polymer nanocomposites”, Composite Structures, 133, 70‐76(2015).
- C. Lee, D.M. Fiscus, and H.‐J. Sue, “Effect of Processing Parameters on Essential Work of Fracture Toughness of LLDPE Blown Films”, Polym. Eng. Sci., 55, 2403‐2413(2015). P. Li, X. He, T.‐C. Huang, K.L. White, X. Zhang, H. Liang, R. Nishimura, and H.‐J. Sue, “Highly effective anticorrosion epoxy spray coatings containing self‐assembled clay in smectic order”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 3, 2669‐ 2676(2015).
- P. Liu, K.L. White, H. Sugiyama, J. Xi, T. Higuchi, T. Hoshino, R. Ishige, H. Jinnai, A. Takahara, and H.‐J. Sue, “Influence of Trace‐amount of Well‐dispersed Carbon Nanotubes on Structural Development and Tensile Properties of Polypropylene”, Macromolecules, 46, 463‐473(2013).
- C. Lee, D.M. Fiscus, and H.‐J. Sue, “Refined Fixture Design for Effective Essential Work of Fracture Toughness Characterization of m‐LLDPE Thin Films”, Polymer Testing, 32, 256‐264(2013).
- K.L. White and H.‐J. Sue, “Delamination toughness of fiber reinforced composites containing a carbon nanotube/polyamide‐12 epoxy thin film interlayer”, Polymer, 53, 37‐42(2012).
- K.L. White and H.‐J. Sue, “Electrical conductivity and fracture behavior of epoxy/polyamide‐12/multi‐walled carbon nanotube composites”, Polym. Eng. Sci., 51, 2245‐2253(2011).
- R.J. Sager, P.J. Klein, D.C. Lagoudas, G.L. Warren, and H.‐J. Sue, “Effect of Carbon Nanotube/Epoxy Interleaf Films on the Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Woven Fabric Composites”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 121, 2394‐ 2405(2011).
- L. Sun, G. L. Warren, D. Davis, and H.‐J. Sue, “Nylon Toughened Epoxy/SWCNT Composites”, J. Mater. Sci., 46, 207‐214(2011).
- J. Liu, H.‐J. Sue, Z.J. Thompson, F.S. Bates, M.A. Hillmeyer, M. Dettloff, G. Jacob, N. Verghese, and H. Pham, “Toughening of Epoxies with Block Copolymer of Worm‐Like Micelle Morphology”, Macromolecules, 43, 7238‐ 7243(2010).
- D.O.O. Ayewah, D.C. Davis, R. Krishnamoorti, D.C. Lagoudas, H.‐J. Sue, M. Willson, “A surfactant dispersed SWCNT‐polystyrene composite characterized for electrical and mechanical properties”, Composites: Part A, 41, 842‐849(2010).
- L. Sun, G.L. Warren, and H.‐J. Sue, “Partially cured epoxy/SWCNT thin films for the reinforcement of vacuumassisted resin‐transfer‐molded composites”, Carbon, 48, 2361‐2380(2010).
- J. Liu, H.‐J. Sue, Z.J. Thompson, F.S. Bates, M. Dettloff, G. Jacob, N. Verghese, and H. Pham, “Crosslink Density Effect on Toughening of Nano‐Sized PEP‐PEO Block Copolymer Modified Epoxy”, Polymer, 50, 4683‐4689(2009).
- J. Liu, H.‐J. Sue, Z.J. Thompson, F.S. Bates, M. Dettloff, G. Jacob, N. Verghese, and H. Pham, “Strain Rate Effect on Toughening of Nano‐Sized PEP‐PEO Block Copolymer Modified Epoxy”, Acta Mater., 57, 2691‐2701(2009).
- Z.J. Thompson, M.A. Hillmyer, F.S. Bates, J. Liu, H.‐J. Sue, M. Dettloff, and H. Pham, “Block Copolymer Toughened Epoxy: Role of Crosslink Density”, Macromolecules, 42, 2333‐2335(2009).
- G.L. Warren, L. Sun, V.G. Hadjiev, D. Davis, D. Lagoudas, and H.‐J. Sue, “B‐Staged Epoxy/SWCNT Nanocomposite Thin Films for Composites Reinforcement”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 112, 290‐298(2009).
- T.‐C. Huang, P. Li, H. Yao, M. Kotaki, and H.‐J. Sue, “Highly efficient oil–water separators based on dual superhydrophobic and superoleophilic properties of multiwall‐carbon nanotube filtration films”, RSC Advances, 6, 21431‐12434(2016).
- K.L. White, H. Yao, X. Zhang, and H.‐J. Sue, “Rheology of electrostatically tethered nanoplatelets and multiwalled carbon nanotubes in epoxy”, Polymer, 84, 223‐233(2016).
- D.E. Rodriguez, Viviana Guiza‐Arguello, O.O. Ochoa, T. Gharat, H.‐J. Sue, K. Lafdi, M.S. Hahn, “Development of a hydroxyapatite‐poly(D,L‐lactide‐co‐glycolide) infiltrated carbon foam for orthopedic applications, Carbon, 98, 106‐114(2016).
- K.L. White, S. Hawkins, M. Miyamoto, A. Takahara, and H.‐J. Sue, “Effect of aspect ratio on rheology of epoxy suspensions containing model plate‐like nanoparticles”, J. Phys. Fluids, 27, 23306(2015).
- P. Li, T.‐C. Huang, K.L. White, S. Hawkins, M. Kotaki, R. Nishimura, and H.‐J. Sue, “Spray‐Coated Epoxy Barrier Films Containing High Aspect Ratio Functionalized Graphene Nanosheets”, RSC Advances, 5, 102633‐ 102642(2015).
- D.K. Reid, M.A. Freire, H. Yao, H.‐J. Sue, and J.L. Lutkenhaus, "The Effect of Surface Chemistry on the Glass Transition of Polycarbonate Inside Cylindrical Nanopores", ACS Macro Letters, 4, 151‐154(2015).
- K.L. White, M. Wong, P. Li, M. Miyamoto, Y. Higaki, A. Takahara, and H.‐J. Sue, “Interlayer structure and selfhealing
in suspensions of brush‐stabilized nanoplatelets in smectic order”, Soft Matter, 11, 954‐971(2015). - H. Yao, T.‐C. Huang, H.‐J. Sue, “Self‐Assembly of Au Nanoparticles on Graphene Sheets as Catalyst with Controlled Grafting Densities and High Reusability”, RSC Advances, 4, 61823‐61830(2014).
- P. Li, K.L. White, C. Lin, A. Muliana, D. Kim, R. Krishnamoorti, R. Nishimura, and H.‐J. Sue, “Ultrastrong Epoxy Nanocomposites Containing Self‐assembled Synthetic Clay in Smectic Order”, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interf., 6, 10188‐10195(2014).
- K.L. White, P. Li, H. Yao, R. Nishimura, and H.‐J. Sue, “Effect of surface modifier on flow properties of epoxy suspensions containing model plate‐like nanoparticles”, Rheologica Acta, 53, 571‐583(2014).
- M. Wong, R. Ishige, K.L. White, P. Li, D. Kim, R. Krishnamoorti, R. Gunther, T. Higuchi, H. Jinnai, A. Takahara, R. Nishimura and H.‐J. Sue, “Large‐scale self‐assembled nanoplatelet/polymer layers with tunable gas permeability created by the spray‐coating of ZrP nanoplatelet filled polymer solutions”, Nature Communications, 5, 3589, 2014.
- M. Wong, R. Ishige, T. Hoshino, S. Hawkins, P. Li, A. Takahara, and H.‐J. Sue, “Iridescence from the Bragg Reflections of α‐ZrP Nanoplatelets in Organic Solvents Exhibiting Lyotropic Mesomorphism”, Chem. Mater., 26, 1528‐1537(2014).
- P. Li, M. Wong, X. Zhang, H. Yao, R. Ishige, T. Takahara, M. Miyamoto, R. Nishimura, and H.‐J. Sue, “Tunable Lyotropic Photonic Liquid Crystal Based on Graphene Oxide”, ACS Photonics, 1, 79‐86(2014).
- K.L. White, P. Li, Y. Sumi, and H.‐J. Sue, “Rheology of disentangled MWCNT dispersed in uncured epoxy fluid”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 118, 362‐371(2014).
- W.N. Everett, C. Chern, D. Sun, X. Zhang, R. McMahon, W.‐J. Chen, M. Hahn, and H.‐J. Sue, “Phosphate‐ and Size‐ Dependent Cytotoxicity of Water‐Soluble ZnO Nanoparticles and Aggregates”, Toxicology Letters, 225, 177‐184(2014).
- P. Li, H. Yao, M. Wong, H. Sugiyama, X. Zhang, and H.‐J. Sue, “Thermally stable and highly conductive freestanding hybrid films based on reduced graphene oxide”, J. Mater. Sci., 49, 380‐391(2014).
- H. Yao, J. Lin, H.‐J. Sue, Y. Sumi, and R. Nishimura, “Facile Decoration of Au Particles on Reduced Graphene Oxide Surfaces via a One‐step Chemical Functionalization Approach”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 1, 10783‐10789(2013).
- X. Zhang, R. Nishimura, and H.‐J. Sue, “Acid‐mediated isolation of individually dispersed SWCNTs from electrostatically tethered nanoplatelet dispersants”, Carbon, 56, 374‐382(2013).
- H. Yao, C.‐C. Chu, H.‐J. Sue, and R. Nishimura, “Electrically conductive superhydrophobic octadecylaminefunctionalized MWCNT films”, Carbon, 53, 366‐373(2013).
- T.‐H. Lee, H.‐J. Sue and X. Cheng, “Template‐assisted assembly of ZnO nanorods with postdeposition growth”, J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B, 30, 06FF01(2012).
- M. Wong, J. Guenther, L. Sun, J. Blümel and H.‐J. Sue, “Stable Dispersion of Nanoparticles Tethered with Densely Short Polymer Brushes”, Adv. Func. Mater., 22, 3614‐3624(2012).
- C.‐C. Chu, P. Liu, K.L. White, X. Zhang, and H.‐J. Sue, “Nanoplatelet‐assisted disentanglement and dispersion of multi‐walled carbon nanotubes in polypropylene: Electrical conductivity and thermal stability”, Carbon, 50, 4711‐4721(2012).
- X. Zhang, R. Nishimura, and H.‐J. Sue, “Electrostatically controlled isolation of debundled single‐walled carbon nanotubes from nanoplatelet dispersant”, J. Mater. Chem., 22, 6156‐6164(2012).
- X. Zhang, D. Sun, H.‐J. Sue, and R. Nishimura, “Colloidal Crystallization of Surfactant Free ZnO Quantum Dots”, Chem. Phys. Chem., 12, 3533‐3538(2011).
- K.L. White, M. Shuai, X. Zhang, H.‐J. Sue, and R. Nishimura, “Two‐Dimensional Electrical Conductivity of Exfoliated Single‐Walled Carbon Nanotubes”, Carbon, 49, 5124‐5131(2011).
- T.‐H. Lee, H.‐J. Sue and X. Cheng, “Solid‐State Dye‐Sensitized Solar Cells Based on ZnO Nanoparticle and Nanorod Array Hybrid Photoanodes”, Nanoscaled Res. Lett., 6:517(2011).
- T.‐H. Lee, H.‐J. Sue and X. Cheng, “ZnO and conjugated polymer bulk heterojunction solar cells containing ZnO nanorod photoanode”, Nanotechnology, 22, 285401, 2011.
- H. Li, D. Sun, H.‐J. Sue and X. Cheng, "Single‐Walled Carbon Nanotube Alignment by Grating‐Guided Electrostatic Self‐Assembly", J. Vac. Sci. Tech. 28B, 1318‐1321, 2010.
- M. Wong, R. Tsuji, S. Nutt, and H.‐J. Sue, “Glass transition temperature changes of polymer nanocomposites comprised of finely dispersed ZnO quantum dots”, Soft Matter, 6, 4482‐4490(2010).
- D. Sun, C.‐C. Chu, and H.‐J. Sue, “A Simple Approach for the Preparation of Hybrid Epoxy/CNT/ZrP Nanocomposites”, Chem. Mater., 22, 3773‐3778(2010).
- P. He, Andres F. Mejia, D. Sun, H.‐J. Sue, D.S. Dinair, M. Marquez, and Z. Cheng, “Hindrance Function for Sedimentation of Colloidal Disks”, Phys. Rev. Lett. E, 81, 026310(2010).
- V. G. Hadjiev, G. L. Warren, Luyi Sun, D. C. Davis, D. C. Lagoudas, H. ‐J. Sue, “Raman microscopy of residual strains in CNT/Epoxy Composites”, Carbon, 48, 1750‐1756(2010).
- D. Sun, W.N. Everett, C.‐C. Chu, and H.‐J. Sue, “Single‐walled Carbon Nanotube Dispersion with Electrostatically Tethered Nanoplatelets”, Small, 5, 2692‐2697(2009).
- T.‐H. Lee, D. Sun, X. Zhang, H.‐J. Sue and X. Cheng, "Solid‐State Dye‐Sensitized Solar Cell Based on Semiconducting Nanomaterials", J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B, 27, 3073‐3077(2009).
- D. Sun, H.‐J. Sue, Zhengdong Cheng, Yuri Martınez‐Raton, and Enrique Velasco, “Stable Smectic Phase in Suspensions of Polydisperse Colloidal Platelets with Identical Thickness”, Phys. Rev. Lett. E, 80, 041704(2009).
- D. Sun and H.‐J. Sue, “Tunable Ultraviolet Emission of ZnO Quantum Dots in Transparent Poly(methyl methacrylate)”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 94, 253106(2009).
- L. Sun, W.J. Boo, D. Kong, J.Y. O’Reilly, J.Y. Su, H.‐J. Sue, and A. Clearfield, “Effect of Molecular Structure on the Intercalation of α‐Zirconium Phosphate”, J. Colloid. & Interface Sci., 333, 503‐509(2009).
- L. Sun, J. Liu, S. Kirumakki, E.D. Schwerdtfeger, R.J. Howell, K. Al‐Bahily, S.A. Miller, A. Clearfield, and H.‐J. Sue, “Polypropylene Nanocomposites Based on Designed Synthetic Nanoplatelets”, Chem. Mater., 21, 1154‐ 1161(2009).
- D. Sun, W.N. Everett, and H.‐J. Sue, “Tuning Dispersion State of Ligand‐Free ZnO Quantum Dots in Polymers via Exfoliated Nanoplatelets”, Macromolecules, 42, 1665‐1671(2009).
- L. Sun, W.J. Boo, A. Clearfield, N. Verghese, H.Q. Pham, J. Bicerano, and H.‐J. Sue, “Effect of Nanoplatelets on Rheological Behavior of Epoxy Monomers”, Macro. Mater. & Eng., 294, 103‐113(2009).
- T. Jin, D. Sun, J.Y. Su, H. Zhang, and H.‐J. Sue, “Antimicrobial Activity of Zinc Oxide Quantum Dots against Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella Enteritidis and Escherichia coli O157:H7”, J. Food Sci., 74, M46‐M52(2009).
Scratch Behavior
- M.M. Hossain, E. Moghbelli, E. Jahnke, P. Boeckmann, S. Guriyanova, R. Minkwitz, and H.‐J. Sue, “Effect of Thermal History on Scratch Behavior of Multi‐phase Styrenic‐based Copolymers”, Tribology International, 99, 248‐257(2016).
- M. Hamdi and H.‐J. Sue, “Effect of Color, Gloss, and Surface Texture Perception on Scratch and Mar Visibility in Polymers”, Mater. & Design, 83, 528‐535(2015).
- K.A. Laux, H.‐J. Sue, A. Montoya, and T. Bremner, “Wear Behavior of PAEKs Under Multidirectional Sliding and Fretting Conditions”, Tribology Letters, 58, 1‐13(2015).
- M.M. Hossain, E. Moghbelli, E. Jahnke, P. Boeckmann, S. Guriyanova, R. Sander, R. Minkwitz, and H.‐J. Sue, “Rubber Particle Size and Type Effects on Scratch Behavior of Styrenic‐based Copolymers”, Polymer, 63, 71‐ 81(2015). M.M. Hossain, H.‐J. Sue, R. Minkwitz, and P. Charoensirisomboon, “Quantitative Modeling of Scratch‐induced Deformation in Amorphous Polymers”, Polymer, 55, 6152‐6166(2014).
- H. Xiao, Y. Shin, P. Li, H.‐J. Sue, and H. Liang, “A New Composite Designed to Resist Wear”, Mater. & Design, 63, 749‐756(2014).
- B.A. Hare, H.‐J. Sue, L. Liang and P. Kinigakis, “Correlation between Lab Scratch Behavior and Field Performance of Extrusion and Adhesive Laminated Multi‐Layer Food Packaging Films”, Polym. Eng. Sci., 54, 71‐77(2014).
- E. Moghbelli, R. Banyay, and H.‐J. Sue, “Effect of Moisture Exposure on Scratch Resistance of PMMA”, Tribology Int., 69, 46‐51(2014).
- M.M. Hossain, R. Minkwitz, and H.‐J. Sue, “Minimization of Surface Friction Effect on Scratch‐induced Deformation in Polymers”, Polym. Eng. Sci., 53, 1405‐1413(2013).
- Y.L. Liang, R. Minkwitz, and H.‐J. Sue, “Rubber Content Effect on Scratch Behavior in Acrylonitrile‐Styrene‐ Acrylate Copolymers”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 126, 1088‐1096(2012).
- M.M. Hossain, B.L. Browning, H.‐J. Sue, and R. Minkwitz, “Effect of Asymmetric Constitutive Behavior on Scratchinduced Deformation of Polymers”, Tribology Letters, 47, 113‐122(2012).
- B.A. Hare, A. Moyse, and H.‐J. Sue, “Evaluation of Packaging Film Mechanical Integrity Using a Standardized Scratch Test”, Packaging Tech. & Sci., 25, 85‐96(2012).
- Y.L. Liang, E. Moghbelli, R. Minkwitz, R. Stark, and H.‐J. Sue, “Effect of High Temperature Annealing on Scratch Behavior of Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate Copolymers”, Polymer, 53, 604‐612(2012).
- B. Hare, A. Moyse, and H.‐J. Sue, “Analysis of Scratch‐Induced Damages in Multi‐Layer Packaging Film Systems”, J. Mater. Sci., 47, 1389‐1398(2012).
- R.L Browning, H.‐J. Sue, R. Minkwitz, and P. Charoensirisomboon, “Effect of Acrylonitrile Content on the Scratch Behavior of Styrene‐Acrylonitrile Random Copolymers”, Polym. Eng. Sci., 51, 2282‐2294(2011).
- R.L. Browning, M.M. Hossain, J. Li and H.‐J. Sue, “Contrast‐based Evaluation of Mar Resistance of Thermoplastic Olefins”, Tribology Int., 44, 1024‐1031(2011).
- P. Liu, R.L. Browning, J. Li, S. Jones, and H.‐J. Sue, “Quantitative Scratch Visibility Assessment of Polymers Based on Erichsen and ASTM/ISO Scratch Testing Methodologies”, Polymer Testing, 30, 633‐640(2011).
- K. Friedrich, H.‐J. Sue, P. Liu, A. A. Almajid, “Scratch Resistance of High Performance Polymers”, Tribology Int., 44, 1032‐1046(2011).
- R.L Browning, H.‐J. Sue, R. Minkwitz, and P. Charoensirisomboon, “Influence of Humidity Exposure on the Scratch Behavior of Polystyrene‐Acrylonitrile Random Copolymers”, J. Mater. Sci., 46, 5790‐5797(2011).
- M.M. Hossain, H. Jiang, and H.‐J. Sue, “Effect of Constitutive Behavior on Scratch Visibility Resistance of Polymers‐A Finite Element Method Parametric Study”, Wear, 270, 751‐759(2011).
- H. Jiang, R.L Browning, P. Liu, T.A. Chang, and H.‐J. Sue, “Determination of Epoxy Coating Wet‐Adhesive Strength Using a Standardized ASTM/ISO Scratch Test”, J. Coat. Techn. Res., 8, 255‐263(2011).
- H. Jiang, R.L Browning, M.M. Hossain, H.‐J. Sue, and M. Fujiwara, “Quantitative Evaluation of Scratch‐Induced Visibility Resistance of Polymers”, Appl. Surf. Sci., 256, 6324‐6329(2010).
- H. Jiang, R.L Browning, J.D. Whitcomb, M. Ito, M. Shimouse, T.A. Chang, and H.‐J. Sue, “Mechanical Modeling of Scratch Behavior of Polymeric Coatings on Soft and Hard Substrates”, Tribology Letters, 37, 159‐167(2010).
- H. Jiang, R.L Browning, and H.‐J. Sue, “Understanding Scratch Damage Mechanisms of Polymers”, Polymer, 50, 4056‐4065(2009).
- E. Moghbelli, L. Sun, H. Jiang, W.‐J. Boo, and H.‐J. Sue, “Scratch Behavior of Epoxy Nanocomposites”, Polym. Eng. Sci., 49, 483‐490(2009).
Other research topics
- Chunxia Zhao, Da He, Yuntao Li, Wenya Li, Peng Li, and H.‐J. Sue, “High‐performance proton exchange membranes for direct methanol fuel cells based on SPEEK/polybenzoxazine crosslinked structure”, RSC Advances, 5, 47284‐47293(2015).
- Y. Zou, T. Yuan, H. Yao, D. Frazier, D. Stanton, H.‐J. Sue, and Lei Fang, “Scalable and Feasible Synthesis of Solution‐Processable Quinacridone Derivatives with Intact Hydrogen‐Bonds”, Organic Lett., 17, 3146‐ 3149(2015).
- J. Zhu, J. Shen, S. Guo, and H.‐J. Sue, “Confined distribution of conductive particles in polyvinylidene fluoridebased multilayered dielectrics: Toward high permittivity and breakdown strength”, Carbon, 84, 355‐364(2015).
- J. Pope, H.‐J. Sue, T. Bremner, and J. Blümel, “Multinuclear Solid‐State NMR Investigation of the Moisture Distribution in PEEK‐PBI and PEKK‐PBI Blends”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 132, 1804‐1816(2015).
- L. Jin, J. Ball, T. Bremner, and H.‐J. Sue, “Crystallization Behavior and Morphological Characterization of PEEK”, Polymer, 55, 5255‐5265(2014).
- J. Pope, H.‐J. Sue, T. Bremner, and J. Blümel, “High‐Temperature Steam‐Treatment of PBI, PEEK, and PEKK Polymers with H2O and D2O: A Solid‐State NMR Study”, Polymer, 55, 4577‐4585(2014).
- N. Priyadarshani, C.W. Benzine, B. Cassidy, J. Suriboot, P. Liu, H.‐J. Sue, and D.E. Bergbreiter, “Polyolefin Soluble Polyisobutylene Oligomer‐Bound Metallophthalocyanine and Azo Dye Additives”, J. Polym. Sci.‐Polym. Chem., 52, 545‐551(2014).
- J. Guenther, M. Wong, H.‐J. Sue, T. Bremner, and J. Blümel, “High‐Temperature Steam‐Treatment of PBI, PEKK, and a PEKK‐PBI Blend: A Solid‐State NMR and IR Spectroscopic Study”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 128, 4395‐ 4404(2013).
- K.L. White, L. Jin, N. Ferrer, T. Bremner, and H.‐J. Sue, “Rheological and thermal behaviors of commercial poly(aryletherketone)s”, Polym. Eng. Sci., 53, 651‐661(2013).
- C. Gomes, M.E. Castell, E. Chimbombi, B. Hare, I. Liang, H.‐J. Sue, P. Sherman, P. Dunne, and A.O. Wright, “Quality of Olive‐oil Reformulated MRE Entree”, Food Sci. Tech., 45, 191‐197(2012).
- E. Moghbelli, H.‐J. Sue, and S. Jain, “Stabilization and Control of Phase Morphology of PA/SAN Blends via Incorporation of Exfoliated Clay”, Polymer, 51, 4231‐4237(2010).
- C. Gomes, M.E. Castell, E. Chimbombi, D. Sun, J. Liu, H.‐J. Sue, P. Sherman, P. Dunne, and A.O. Wright, “Effect of oxygen absorbing packaging on the shelf‐life of a liquid‐based component of military operational rations”, J. Food Sci., 74, E167‐E176(2009).