At the Polymer Technology Center, we conduct research on high performance functional polymers for nanotechnology, biotechnology and micro-/nano-electronics packaging applications; surface damage phenomena of polymers; polymer surface to surface interaction forces; structure-property relationship in polymers, blends, polyolefin films, fiber-reinforced composites, adhesives and nanocomposites; strengthening and toughening of polymers; utilization of novel processing tools to enhance physical and mechanical properties of polymers. PTC Faculty members from various disciplines engage in a wide range of research. To learn more, please visit our faculty page.

The PTC utilizes state-of-the-art equipment in its research. We have facilities located across the Texas A&M campus. The PTC's facilities are for research use only.
Our Facilities

Conference Presentations
Conference presentations are available to members upon request. We will email the presentations to our members. Past agendas are available for APPEAL, PTIC, and SCRATCH.
Our Conferences

Publication Summaries
The Polymer Technology Center is always in the process of publishing various research on high grade polymers.
View Our Publications